
Analysis of Basic Issues for Energy Storage Introduction in an Uncertainty Landscape of Power Distribution and Consumption Demand Response

Social Science Research Network(2022)

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The main goal of this work is to present a roadmap for storage entry in emerging economies. Efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change led to a transition scenario. Yet, the access to technologies and modern services that may reduce carbon emissions are not homogeneous worldwide. Economic and social inequalities are barriers to emergent economies, which lead to difficulty in meeting environmental goals and achieving economic development. To develop a map focused on providing modern energy services through energy storage systems, the proposed work maps information regarding renewables and storage systems employment. The mapped data are classified into uncertainties and opportunities that may impact the storage implementation. The data are addressed into strengths and weaknesses related to the strategic positioning of emerging countries. Finally, the barriers and opportunities are organized as a descriptive and manageable map, mapping the entire evolutionary process over time. A Use Cased for a Brazilian scenario evaluates the economic viability for a storage deployment as an alternative to Diesel Generators during costly periods. As a result, the analysis evaluates the current scenario for the country, establishing an economic and social overview.
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