
Features of the Formation of Cognitive and Psychophysiological Functions in Children: Experience of Using a New Software Package

Rossijskij pediatričeskij žurnal(2022)

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Aim of the study: to determine the features of the formation of psychophysiological and cognitive functions in 6-17 year children using a comprehensive and screening software of the original package of the complex “Psychomat”. Materials and methods. A screening examination of 184 apparently healthy 6-17 year schoolchildren was carried out using a complex of psychophysiological tests and original methods for studying higher mental functions (24 tests, 66 parameters). To verify the screening program, a comprehensive examination of 60 apparently healthy schoolchildren of the same age was carried out. Results. The patterns of formation of cognitive and psychophysiological functions in 6-17 year children have been established. No gender differences were found in the analysis of cognitive and psychophysiological functions in children. Significant differences in the rate of formation of psychophysiological functions have been identified in children of primary school age (8-10 years) and are associated mainly with the speed of response and coordination. As the age of children increases, test parameters reflecting the characteristics of perception, memory, attention, analytical and synthetic processes also undergo changes: both the total and average time for completing tasks and the number of errors decrease, and the pace of execution increases. Conclusion. The original software package «Psychomat» allows using comprehensive and screening assessment of both psychophysiological and cognitive functions in 6-17 year children. The screening software as the sensitive method for detecting violations of psychophysiological and cognitive functions in the conditions of a mass examination of children can be used as a test system.
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