Study on the Relationship Between Male Infertility and DNA Integrity in Spermatozoa Nuclei

Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences(2022)

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The purpose of the present study is to assess the potential relationships between the diagnoses for male infertility based on conventional sperm analysis and the levels of sperm nuclei with damaged DNA in men with reproductive problems using the acridine orange fluorescent test. Totally 87 men with reproductive problems have been investigated. Excellent and good fertility potential was established for 58.6% of the studied individuals, and fair and poor potential of male fertility – for 41.4%. Different diagnoses have been found for the men included in the study – normosoospermia (58.6%), asthenozoospermia (18.4%), oligoasthenozoospermia (11.5%), oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (9.2%) and asthenoteratozoospermia (2.3%). Statistically significant dependencies (P < 0.001) have been observed between the studied sperm quality parameters, as well as for infertility diagnoses done and the level of spermatozoa nuclei with DNA damage. The present study suggests that the acridine orange fluorescence test is sufficiently informative to determine the quality of the fertility potential. The obtained results could be used as a basis for future detailed research on male reproductive health and the potential risks for its deterioration.
male infertility, semen quality, sperm DNA fragmentations
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