
Conservation Agriculture in Eurasia

Hafiz Muminjanov, Tatiana Semenova,Amir Kassam,Theodor Friedrich, Avetik Nersisyan,Turi Fileccia, Gagik Mkrtchyan, Armen Zakaryan, Imran Jumshudov, Yagub Guliyev, Alena Abarava, Allan Pineda Burgos, Demna Martsvaladze,Muratbek Karabayev, Gulnaz Kaseeva, Omurbek Mambetov, Cholpon Alibakieva,Boris Boincean,Mihail Rurac, Vadim Bandurin, Luidmila Orlova, Alexandr Toigildin, Khalil Safin, Muhammadi Muminov, Jamshed Sangynov,Shavkat Juraev, Askarsho Zevarshoev, Nicola Kosolap, Oksana Davis,Oleksandr Zhuravel, Michail Draganchuk,Alim Pulatov,Aziz Nurbekov,Josef Kienzle,Sandra Corsi,Emilio J. Gonzalez-Sanchez

Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural ScienceAdvances in Conservation Agriculture Volume 3(2022)

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This chapter provides an overview of the current state, challenges and avenues for the further promotion of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in the Eurasia region . There is no unified statistics and data collection system for CA in the region. However, the estimated area under CA is about 10-11 million hectares (ha) while the area of degraded agricultural land is continuously growing. The population increase and raising demand for food, negative impact of unsustainable agricultural production practices to environment along with land degradation, recurrent drought and heat stress due to climate change, and other factors are gradually leading to adoption and promotion of CA in all countries of the region. Despite this, there are still challenges for the widespread implementation of the CA system. Lack or insufficient access to special field equipment and machinery, limited knowledge and skills of local people - farmers, agricultural and extension specialists, inadequate evidence-based results of research work and other factors still play a limiting role in the widespread adoption of CA. In addition to the dissemination of knowledge, techniques and evidence of successful practices, the dissemination and greater adoption of CA in the region requires expanding CA research work and political support to increase the motivation and direct involvement of farmers. Training young specialists and farmers will also help to make a huge breakthrough in the development of CA in the region.
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