
Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous High-Mg Adakitic Pluton in the North Lhasa Block, Tibet Plateau: Implications for the Tethyan Orogeny


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Late Mesozoic igneous rocks from the north Lhasa block record the Neo-Tethyan orogeny in the southern Tibet Plateau. This study presents geochronological and geochemical data of Bieruozecuo quartz diorite pluton in the northern margin of the Lhasa block to constrain its petrogenesis and tectonic implications. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology of quartz diorites shows that the emplacement occurs at ca. 114-116 Ma, belonging to the products of Early Cretaceous magmatic activities. The high concentrations of TiO2, MgO, and MnO, together with SiO2 vs. K2O and A/NK vs. A/CNK diagrams, all suggest that the Bieruozecuo quartz diorites are meta-aluminous and high-potassium calc-alkaline rocks. Their high Sr and low Y and Yb contents, as well as high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, are consistent with the typical adakitic rocks. The REE patterns show a large distribution of compositions, which have LREE, while HREE are buffered, along with large ratios of (La/Yb)(N), as well as high values of K2O/Na2O, Mg#, Cr, and Ni, all of which imply the partial melting of a delaminated lower crust, without obvious fractional crystallization during the magma ascending and emplacement. This study suggests that, with the closure of the Bangonghu-Nujiang Tethys Ocean Basin, the post-collisional extension of the north Lhasa block will have started no later than ca. 114-116 Ma. Combined with the previous studies, our new data demonstrates that the partial melting of the delaminated lower crust, in a post-collisional setting, may be the main mechanism responsible for the ca. 116-82 Ma adakitic magmatism in the north Lhasa block.
Lhasa block,neo-tethyan orogeny,cretaceous,adakite,petrogenesis,tectonic setting
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