
Exponential Escape Rate of Filamentary Incubation in Mott Spiking Neurons

Physical review applied(2022)

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Mott materials such as vanadium oxides, when subject to a strong applied voltage, present an inhomogeneous insulator-to-metal transition with formation of metallic filaments within the insulating bulk. This property is enabling the development of compact and power-efficient neuromorphic devices known as Mott neurons. However, the nature of the transition has not been fully understood yet, as it may be attributed to different effects, including Joule self-heating and hot-carrier injection. Moreover, the experimental determination of the threshold voltage needed to induce the transition has proven to be challenging, as the transition becomes increasingly unpredictable when the threshold is approached. The physical understanding of these issues would not only deepen our understanding of Mott insulators, but would also be an important step toward the realization of neuromorphic devices based on such materials. In this work we use numerical simulations based on the Mott resistor network model to study the nature of the filament incubation and formation process. We show that both electronic and thermal effects, in the form of current density focusing and Joule self-heating, respectively, contribute to the filamentary incubation and growth. Remarkably, we find that the percolation of the metallic filaments near the threshold is intrinsically stochastic, qualitatively similar to the familiar Arrhenius activated behavior and to the stochastic firing of biological neurons. More precisely, we characterize the filament percolation as a Poisson point process, which has the same probability distribution as mathematical models of neuronal firing with an exponential escape rate. Finally, we support the numerical simulation results by performing experiments in VO2 that are in agreement with the exponential escape rate behavior. Thus, we establish a functionality of Mott insulators that opens a path toward implementing neuromorphic hardware with quantum materials.
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