On the properties of weighted minimum colouring games

Ann. Oper. Res.(2022)

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weighted minimum colouring (WMC) game is induced by an undirected graph and a positive weight vector on its vertices. The value of a coalition in a WMC game is determined by the weighted chromatic number of its induced subgraph. A graph G is said to be globally (respectively, locally) WMC totally balanced, submodular, or PMAS-admissible, if for all positive integer weight vectors (respectively, for at least one positive integer weight vector), the corresponding WMC game is totally balanced, submodular or admits a population monotonic allocation scheme (PMAS). We show that a graph G is globally WMC totally balanced if and only if it is perfect, whereas any graph G is locally WMC totally balanced. Furthermore, G is globally (respectively, locally) WMC submodular if and only if it is complete multipartite (respectively, (2K_2,P_4) -free). Finally, we show that G is globally PMAS-admissible if and only if it is (2K_2,P_4) -free, and we provide a partial characterisation of locally PMAS-admissible graphs.
Weighted minimum colouring game,Totally balancedness,Submodularity,Population monotonic allocation schemes,Complete multipartite graph,(2K_2,P_4) -free graph
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