Project 8: R&D for a next-generation neutrino mass experiment

Proceedings of Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2021 — PoS(PANIC2021)(2022)

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Project 8 is a next-generation direct neutrino mass experiment measuring the spectral endpoint region of tritium beta decays. The energy of the beta decay electrons is measured using Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) which has been demonstrated by the Project 8 collaboration with both krypton and molecular tritium confined in a section of a microwave guide. To reach the target sensitivity of 40 meV/c(2), major technological research and development is necessary. Building on the milestones achieved so far, I will present the next phases of Project 8: In Phase III, atomic tritium will be produced and trapped magnetically, and cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy will be demonstrated in free space which allows larger detection volumes. The knowledge gained from Phase III will enable the design and operation of a large-volume atomic tritium experiment, sensitive to the entire mass range allowed by the inverse neutrino mass ordering.
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