Secondary School Teachers’ Attitude Toward Teaching English as a Second Language: A Comparative Study


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The study explores the comparative analysis of secondary school teachers’ attitude toward teaching English as a second language. The major objective of the study was; to find out secondary school teachers’ attitude toward teaching English related to different demographics. The researcher used quantitative research method that was descriptive in nature. The population of the study comprised all the male and female teachers at Secondary level in province of Punjab, Pakistan. The researchers selected the secondary school teachers in districts: Lahore, Multan, Sialkot and Vehari as the sample of the study. Questionnaire was used as a research tool for the study. The researchers distributed the questionnaire among the respondents of the study and collected data. For data analysis, researcher used the statistical techniques of mean score, t-test and ANOVA. The findings of the study informed that difference in mean scores of male and female teachers was not significant, t-value = -.075, p=.634>0.05. It was found that there was a significant difference in teachers’ attitude towards teaching English as second language having professional qualification of B.Ed. and M.Ed. at secondary school level, t-value = .521, p=.047<0.05. It was concluded that male and female respondents have almost same type of attitude of teaching English as second language.
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