
Trusted distributed marketplace for virtual passive optical network sharing

Journal of Optical Communications and Networking(2022)

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Infrastructure sharing has always been a core aspect of telecommunications networks, especially in the access. The move towards resource-demanding services, which are part of the 5G evolution, further exacerbates its necessity, as the cost of ownership is often not matched by an increase in revenue. In parallel, the recent emergence of network function virtualization is creating new business opportunities and business models that challenge conventional centralized network ownership. In this work, we address the issue of optical access network sharing, addressing the challenging scenario of the untrusted broadband market. We propose, for the first time, to our knowledge, a distributed market scheme for capacity sharing that makes use of permissioned blockchain technology in multi-tenant passive optical networks. The blockchain is used as a verification mechanism that runs in parallel to shared, market-based capacity scheduling operations. To study the feasibility and performance of the proposed verification layer, we have developed a smart contract (chaincodes) using the Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain platform that solves the high transaction cost and energy consumption concerns associated with permissionless blockchain solutions used in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group
multitenant passive optical networks,parallel to shared market-based capacity scheduling operations,trusted distributed marketplace,virtual passive optical network sharing,infrastructure sharing,core aspect,telecommunications networks,resource-demanding services,network function virtualization,business opportunities,business models,challenge conventional centralized network ownership,optical access network sharing,challenging scenario,untrusted broadband market,distributed market scheme,permissioned blockchain technology
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