Invasion genetics of the longhorn crazy ant: the global expansion of a double-clonal reproduction system


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Reproduction mode represents a key determinant for success of biological invasion as it influences the genetic variation and evolutionary potential of introduced populations. The world’s most widespread invasive ant, Paratrechina longicornis , was found to display an unusual double-clonal reproduction system, whereby both males and queens were produced clonally, while workers are produced sexually. Despite its worldwide distribution, the origin of this ant species and the prevalence of the double-clonal reproductive system across the ant’s geographic range remain unknown. To retrace the evolutionary history of this global invasive species and its reproductive system, we examined genetic variation and characterized the mode of reproduction of P. longicornis sampled worldwide using both microsatellite genotyping and mitochondrial DNA sequencing approaches. Analyses of global genetic variations indicate that the Indian subcontinent is a genetic diversity hotspot of this species, suggesting that this geographic area is at least part of its native range. Our analyses revealed that inferred native and introduced populations both exhibit double-clonal reproduction. Remarkably, queens and males worldwide belong to two separate, non-recombining clonal lineages. Workers are highly heterozygous and first-generation inter- lineage hybrids, a pattern strongly supportive of a strict worldwide prevalence of double clonality. By maintaining heterozygosity in the worker force, this unusual genetic system allows P. longicornis to avoid inbreeding during colonization bottlenecks and may have acted as an adaptive trait linked to the species’ invasion success. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
longhorn crazy ant,genetics,double-clonal
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