A naturally arising broad and potent CD4-binding site antibody with low somatic mutation

Christopher O. Barnes,Till Schoofs, Priyanthi N.P. Gnanapragasam,Jovana Golijanin, Kathryn E. Huey-Tubman,Henning Gruell, Philipp Schommers,Nina Suh-Toma, Yu Erica Lee,Julio C. Cetrulo Lorenzi, Alicja Piechocka-Trocha,Johannes F. Scheid, Anthony P. West,Bruce D. Walker, Michael S. Seaman,Florian Klein, Michel C. Nussenzweig,Pamela J. Bjorkman


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The induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) is a potential strategy for a vaccine against HIV-1. However, most bNAbs exhibit features such as unusually high somatic hypermutation, including insertions and deletions, which make their induction challenging. VRC01-class bNAbs exhibit extraordinary breadth and potency, but also rank among the most highly somatically-mutated bNAbs. Here we describe a VRC01-class antibody isolated from a viremic controller, BG24, that has less than half the mutations of most other relatives of its class, while achieving comparable breadth and potency. A 3.8 Å X-ray crystal structure of a BG24-BG505 Env trimer complex revealed conserved contacts at the gp120 interface characteristic of the VRC01-class Abs, despite lacking common CDR3 sequence motifs. The existence of moderately-mutated CD4-binding site (CD4bs) bNAbs such as BG24 provides a simpler blueprint for CD4bs antibody induction by a vaccine, raising the prospect that such an induction might be feasible with a germline-targeting approach. Teaser An anti-HIV-1 antibody with comparable neutralization breadth and potency to similarly-classed antibodies, with half as many mutations. ### Competing Interest Statement The Rockefeller University has filed a provisional patent application in connection with this work on which C.O.B., T.S., M.C.N., and P.J.B. are inventors. All other authors declare they have no competing interests.
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