
Analog Quantum Simulation of the Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems with Quantum Dots and Microelectronic Circuits

PRX quantum(2022)

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We introduce a general setup for the analog quantum simulation of the dynamics of open quantum sys-tems based on semiconductor quantum dots electrically connected to an array of quantum RLC electronic circuits. The dots are chosen to be in the regime of spin-charge hybridization to enhance their sensitivity to the RLC circuits while mitigating the detrimental effects of unwanted noise. In this context, we establish an experimentally realizable map between the hybrid system and a qubit coupled to thermal harmonic envi-ronments of arbitrary complexity that enables the analog quantum simulation of open quantum systems. We assess the utility of the simulator by numerically exact emulations that indicate that the experimental setup can faithfully mimic the intended target even in the presence of its natural inherent noise. We fur-ther provide a detailed analysis of the physical requirements on the quantum dots and the RLC circuits needed to experimentally realize this proposal that indicates that the simulator can be created with exist-ing technology. The approach can exactly capture the effects of highly structured non-Markovian quantum environments typical of photosynthesis and chemical dynamics and it offers clear potential advantages over conventional and even quantum computation. The proposal opens up a general path for effective quantum dynamics simulations based on semiconductor quantum dots.
Semiconductor Quantum Dots,Quantum Simulation,Fault-tolerant Quantum Computation
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