Bray-Call Sequences in the Mediterranean Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Acoustic Repertoire


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Simple Summary In the acoustic repertoire of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Gulps, Grunts, and Squeaks are part of a group of vocalizations called "bray-call" for which little has been previously studied. The name comes from the alternating structure characteristic of a donkey's bray. Sounds can be of different types at low frequencies and audible to the human hear-of short duration, produced in sequence. The function of these sequences is not clarified yet, and it is not known if they are part of the vocal "catalog" of all the different populations of common bottlenose dolphin at global level. What is certain is that bray-calls are present in two geographical areas of the Mediterranean and that the "Capitoline" individuals (Rome, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) emit them with greater frequency and variety than the Sicilian ones (Mazara del Vallo, Sicilian Channel, Italy). A number of 13 different types of sequences have been identified, and only 2 of them are shared between the study areas. For the first time this study identifies variants of the main bray-call elements, highlights the structural complexity of these vocalizations, and suggests addressing future research on the context of emissions and the possible function(s) of such acoustic arrangements. Acoustic sequences are commonly observed in many animal taxa. The vast vocal repertoire of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) also includes sequences of multi-unit rhythmic signals called bray-call which are still poorly documented, both functionally and geographically. This study aimed to (1) describe, classify, and characterize series of bray-call recorded in two sites of the Mediterranean basin (Rome-Tyrrhenian Sea and Mazara del Vallo-Strait of Sicily) and (2) investigate for the existence of possible geographic differences. The acoustic analysis identified 13 different sequence types, only two detected in both study areas. The Sorensen-Dice index revealed a low degree of similarity between the sequence repertoire of the two common bottlenose dolphin sub-populations, with the Tyrrhenian being more diversified and complex than the Sicilian one. The acoustic parameters also showed variability between the study area. Different variants of the main acoustic elements composing the bray-call sequences were detected in the Tyrrhenian Sea only. The Markov-chain model demonstrated that the transition probability between acoustic elements is not uniform, with specific combinations of elements having a higher probability of occurrence. These new findings on common bottlenose dolphin bray-call sequences highlight the structural complexity of these vocalizations and suggest addressing future research on the context of emissions and the possible function(s) of such acoustic arrangements.
acoustic sequences, bray-call, geographical differences, common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, Mediterranean Sea
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