A Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis of Adverse Drug Reactions: A Scoping Review of Pharmacovigilance Databases


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Drug-related adverse events or adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are currently partially or substantially under-reported. ADR reporting systems need to expand their focus to include sex-and gender-related factors in order to understand, prevent, or reduce the occurrence of ADRs in all people, particularly women. This scoping review describes adverse drug reactions reported to international pharmacovigilance databases. It identifies the drug classes most commonly associated with ADRs and synthesizes the evidence on ADRs utilizing a sex- and gender-based analysis plus (SGBA+) to assess the differential outcomes reported in the individual studies. We developed a systematic search strategy and applied it to six electronic databases, ultimately including 35 papers. Overall, the evidence shows that women are involved in more ADR reports than men across different countries, although in some cases, men experience more serious ADRs. Most studies were conducted in higher-income countries; the terms adverse drug reactions and adverse drug events are used interchangeably, and there is a lack of standardization between systems. Additional research is needed to identify the relationships between sex- and gender-related factors in the occurrence and reporting of ADRs to adequately detect and prevent ADRs, as well as to tailor and prepare effective reporting for the lifecycle management of drugs.
adverse drug reactions, sex, gender, SGBA+, lifecycle management of drugs, pharmacovigilance
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