
Broken family sensitivity in transitive systems

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications(2022)

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Let (X, T) be a topological dynamical system, n >= 2 and Fbe a Furstenberg family of subsets of Z(+). (X, T) is called broken F-n-sensitive if there exist delta > 0 and F is an element of F such that for every opene (non-empty open) subset U of X and every l is an element of N, there exist x(1)(l), x(2)(l),..., x(n)(l) is an element of U and m(l) is an element of Z(+) satisfying d(T-k x(i)(l), T(k)x(j)(l)) > delta, for all 1 <= i < j <= n, k is an element of m(l) + F boolean AND [1, l]. We investigate broken F-n-sensitivity for the family of all piecewise syndetic subsets (F-ps), the family of all positive upper Banach density subsets (F-pubd) and the family of all infinite subsets (F-inf). We show that a transitive system (X, T) is broken F-n-sensitive for F= F-ps orF(pubd) if and only if there exists an essential n-sensitive tuple which is an F-recurrent point of (X-n, T-(n)); is broken F-inf-n-sensitive if and only if there exists an essential n-sensitive tuple (x(1), x(2),..., x(n)) such that lim sup(k ->infinity) min(1 <= i 0. We also obtain specific properties for them by analyzing the factor maps to their maximal equicontinuous factors. Furthermore, we show examples to distinguish different kinds of broken family sensitivity. (C) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Sensitivity,Recurrent points,Furstenberg family,Transitivity,Sensitive tuples,Maximal equicontinuous factor
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