
Examining the Effectiveness, Acceptability, and Feasibility of Virtually Delivered Trauma-Focused Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Interventions: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

Trauma, violence & abuse(2023)

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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a rapid shift to virtual delivery of treatment and care to individuals affected by domestic violence and sexual violence. A rapid evidence assessment (REA) was undertaken to examine the effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability of trauma-focused virtual interventions for persons affected by domestic violence and sexual violence. The findings from this review will provide guidance for service providers and organizational leaders with the implementation of virtual domestic violence and sexual violence-focused interventions. The REA included comprehensive search strategies and systematic screening of and relevant articles. Papers were included into this review (1) if they included trauma-focused interventions; (2) if the intervention was delivered virtually; and (3) if the article was published in the English-language. Twenty-one papers met inclusion criteria and were included for analysis. Findings from the rapid review demonstrate that virtual interventions that incorporate trauma-focused treatment are scarce. Online interventions that incorporate trauma-focused treatment for this at-risk group are limited in scope, and effectiveness data are preliminary in nature. Additionally, there is limited evidence of acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of virtual interventions for ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse populations experiencing domestic violence and sexual violence. Accessing virtual interventions was also highlighted as a barrier to among participants in studies included in the review. Despite the potential of virtual interventions to respond to the needs of individuals affected by domestic violence and/or sexual violence, the acceptability and effectiveness of virtual trauma-focused care for a diverse range of populations at risk of violence are significantly understudied.
domestic violence,virtual delivery,sexual violence,trauma-focused interventions,digital technologies,psychological treatment,tele-mental health,mobile health
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