Speaking corona? Human and machine recognition of COVID-19 from voice


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With the COVID-19 pandemic, several research teams have reported successful advances in automated recognition of COVID-19 by voice. Resulting voice-based screening tools for COVID-19 could support large-scale testing efforts. While capabilities of machines on this task are progressing, we approach the so far unexplored aspect whether human raters can distinguish COVID-19 positive and negative tested speakers from voice samples, and compare their performance to a machine learning baseline. To account for the challenging symptom similarity between COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases, we use a carefully balanced dataset of voice samples, in which COVID-19 positive and negative tested speakers are matched by their symptoms alongside COVID-19 negative speakers without symptoms. Both human raters and the machine struggle to reliably identify COVID-19 positive speakers in our dataset. These results indicate that particular attention should be paid to the distribution of symptoms across all speakers of a dataset when assessing the capabilities of existing systems. The identification of acoustic aspects of COVID-19-related symptom manifestations might be the key for a reliable voice-based COVID-19 detection in the future by both trained human raters and machine learning models.
auditory disease perception,automatic disease recognition,computational paralinguistics,COVID-19,voice
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