
Exploring the Gut Microbiota Composition of Indian Major Carp, Rohu (labeo Rohita), under Diverse Culture Conditions


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Gut microbiota of freshwater carps are often investigated for their roles in nutrient absorption, enzyme activities and probiotic properties. However, little is known about core microbiota, assembly pattern and the environmental influence on the gut microbiota of the Indian major carp, rohu. The gut microbial composition of rohu reared in different culture conditions was analysed by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. There was variation on gut microbial diversity and composition. A significant negative correlation between dissolved oxygen content (DO) and alpha diversity was observed, thus signifying DO content as one of the key environmental factors that regulated the diversity of rohu gut microbial community. A significant positive correlation was observed between phosphate concentration and abundance of Actinobacteria in different culture conditions. Two phyla, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria along with OTU750868 (Streptomyces) showed significant (p < 0.05) differences in their abundance among all culture conditions. The Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) analysis using Bray-Curtis distances, showed the presence of unique gut microbiota in rohu compared to other herbivorous fish. Based on niche breadth, 3 OTUs were identified as core generalists, persistent across all the culture conditions whereas the specialists dominated in the rohu gut microbiota assembly. Co-occurrence network analysis revealed positive interaction within core members while mutual exclusion between core and non-core members. Predicted microbiota function revealed that different culture conditions affected the metabolic capacity of gut microbiota of rohu. The results overall indicated the significant effect of different rearing environments on gut microbiota structure, assembly and inferred community function of rohu which might be useful for effective manipulation of gut microbial communities of rohu to promote better health and growth under different husbandry settings.
Microbiota,Intestine,Core,Assembly,Generalist,Labeo rohita
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