
Efficiency of Penrose Process in Spacetime of Axially Symmetric Magnetized Reissner-Nordström Black Hole

Physical review D/Physical review D(2022)

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In this paper, we investigate the Penrose process in the purlieus of the axially symmetric magnetized Reissner-Nordstrom black hole for both neutral and charged particles. We start with the study of the geometry of the black hole and find the regions where the g(tt) component of the metric tensor is positive (i.e., g(tt) > 0). It is interestingly found that the condition g(tt) > 0 is fulfilled not only close to event horizon known as the ergosphere but also far away from the event horizon in the silhouette of potential wells. We also show that as the dimensionless magnetic field B increases the silhouette of potential wells for which g(tt) > 0 grows correspondingly and eventually merges with the ergoregion when B greater than or similar to 1.6. Finally, we investigate the efficiency of the Penrose process for the axially symmetric magnetized black hole case and bring out the effect of magnetic field on it. Further, we also compare our results with the one for Kerr black hole. We show that when the charge Q of the black hole is kept constant, the efficiency of the energy extraction process for the case of neutral particle (i.e., q/m = 0) first increases and then begins to decrease with rise in the value of B field, in contrast to Kerr black hole where it always increases as the rotation parameter grows. However, for the case of charged particle (i.e., q. 0) the efficiency always increases with the rise in B field and can go over 100%, when both B and q/m are large enough (say B approximate to 1 and q/m > 2.2). It is worth noting that the existence of regions away from the horizon where g(tt) > 0 also favors the energy-extraction process away from effect of the black hole. However, the energy extraction from these regions is pure consequence of the magnetic field.
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