Case reports of pediatric electrical finger burn injuries' management and late- onset complications

Aba Lőrincz, Zsófia Csákvári, Tibor Máthé, Zsolt Oberritter,András Garami,Gergő Józsa


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Pediatric electrical injuries are rare; they only constitute 2-10% of all burn causes. Determination of their actual severity may be challenging due to their small entry and exit wounds. Deep necrosis develops during electrical burns in most cases. These injuries can damage the skin, soft and bone tissues, and in children, the growth plate, which may cause secondary deformities. The objective of these case reports was the presentation of paediatric electrical finger injuries' management and late-onset complications. A 15-year-old boy touched an electric wire while changing a lightbulb, which caused a burn injury on his right index finger. During the physical examination, a 25 x 14 mm, third-degree burn was identified volarly, above the distal interphalangeal joint as an entry wound, and an 8 x 7 mm exit site occurred dorsally at the nailbed's lateral edge. Necrectomy and cross finger flap surgery were performed. The cross flap was separated three weeks after the primary reconstruction. Throughout the follow-up examinations, the ulnar deviation of the distal digit was observed. X-ray confirmed the bone atrophy of the distal phalanx base. A 2-year old girl inserted a nail into the power outlet, causing third-degree burns on her thumb around the interphalangeal joint and hypothenar region. After necrectomy, the thumb's skin defect was reconstructed with a rotated flap, while the donor site received full-thickness skin graft transplantation. The follow-up of the child is still ongoing. Long term follow-up of these patients is necessary to identify and treat late-onset complications.
electrical burn, child, finger injuries, growth plate, soft tissue reconstruction
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