Decoding herbal materials of TCM preparations with the multi-barcode sequencing approach


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With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technology, approaches for assessing biological ingredients in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) preparations have also advanced. Using a multi-barcode sequencing approach, all biological ingredients could be identified from TCM preparations in theory, as long as their DNA is present. The biological ingredients of several classical TCM preparations were analyzed successfully based on this approach in previous studies. However, the universality, sensitivity and reliability of this approach on a diverse set of TCM preparations remain unclear. In this study, we selected four representative TCM preparations, namely Bazhen Yimu Wan, Da Huoluo Wan, Niuhuang Jiangya Wan, and You Gui Wan, for concrete assessment of the multi-barcode sequencing approach. Based on ITS2 and trnL biomarkers, we have successfully detected the prescribed herbal materials (PHMs) in these representative TCM preparations (minimum sensitivity: 77.8%, maximum sensitivity: 100%). The results based on ITS2 have also shown higher reliability than trnL at species level, while their combination could provide higher sensitivity and reliability. The multi-barcode sequencing approach has shown good universality, sensitivity and reliability in decoding these four representative TCM preparations. In the omics big-data era, this work has undoubtedly made one step forward for applying multi-barcode sequencing approach in PHMs analysis of TCM preparation, towards better digitization and modernization of drug quality control.
herbal materials,tcm preparations,multi-barcode
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