Ecological aspects of cutting fluids applications in small scale industries of Northern India region

Materials Today: Proceedings(2022)

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The issue of cutting fluid is of great concern in present scenario of industry 4.0 due to its application in machining operation performed at wider parameter ranges. Despite of numerous advantages and enhanced machining performance, few critical issues like environmental and health hazards occurred if not controlled in efficient manner, consequently, set negative impacts on their utility. Hence, to safeguard aforementioned problems and to achieve environmental sustainability, the bio-degradable oils are gaining popularity due to their useful impact attained through latest lubrication techniques and amalgamation of nano and ionic fluids. Further, the cost of later fluids forms a barrier to their application in present competitive industrial framework as compared to conventional cutting fluids. In present investigation the survey was conducted on the scenario of cutting fluids application in small scale industries present in the Malwa belt of Punjab. The research was performed through well designed questionnaire consisting of various questions related to different aspects of cutting fluids such as fluid type, volume, application methods, recycling approach, disposal way and most important health as well as environmental issues. The data was collected by qualified engineers from various industries and further confirmed from the official source for its validity prior to analysis. The results of investigation confirmed that there was deficiency of advanced lubrication techniques utilization, insufficiency of post treatment and few cases of health hazards.
Cutting fluids,Biodegradable oils,Lubrication techniques,Health hazards,Recycling and disposal methods
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