
Kidney-Derived Methylated PAX2 Sequences in the Urine of Healthy Subjects As a Convenient Model for Optimizing Methylation-Based Liquid Biopsy

Molecular biotechnology(2022)

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Although urine-based liquid biopsy has received considerable attention, there is a lack of a simple model to optimize assay parameters, including cell-free DNA (cfDNA) extraction, bisulfite modification, and bis-DNA recovery after conversion for methylation analysis in urine. The primary aim of this work was to establish a practical model by developing a quantitative methylation-sensitive PCR (qMS-PCR) assay for PAX2 based on hypermethylated PAX2 cfDNA that could be detected in healthy human urine. We first studied the methylation status of PAX2 in kidney tissues and whole blood, followed by an assessment of commercial kits for bisulfite conversion and bis-DNA recovery. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of urine storage and collection conditions on the preservation of methylated PAX2 in urine samples by qMS-PCR. As expected, PAX2 methylation was identified in urine but not in blood. Two commercial kits (CellCook and Zymo Research) had similar conversion efficiency and bis-DNA recovery. Urine storage for up to 5 days did not change PAX2 methylation estimates. Overall, cold storage of urine samples and the CellCook urine container maintained higher levels of methylated PAX2 compared to urine kept at room temperature and the conventional tubes, respectively. These findings highlight the importance of using the correct approaches/kits and optimizing experimental conditions as a diagnostic tool in the clinical setting. Our study provides insights on the development of urine-based liquid biopsy with DNA methylation as a universal biomarker.
Cell-free DNA,Methylation detection,Bisulfite conversion,Urine handling conditions,qMS-PCR
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