Nonsurgical Correction of Congenital Concha Cavum Deformity Using a Commercial Ear Molding Device.

Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology(2022)

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With the recent introduction of commercial auricular molding devices, nonsurgical ear correction has become an important option for the treatment of mild neonatal auricular deformities. Most studies on the treatment of auricular deformities using commercial ear molding devices have dealt with deformities such as prominent ear, cup ear, lop ear, cryptotia, Stahl???s ear, and helical rim deformity [1]. However, the nonsurgical correction of relatively uncommon deformities, such as concha cavum deformities, has not been addressed in the literature. In particular, in concha cavum deformities, the narrowing of the external auditory canal may cause functional problems such as hearing loss; thus, it is necessary to treat this condition as soon as possible, for both cosmetic and functional reasons. This study aimed to investigate whether congenital concha cavum deformities could be corrected nonsurgically using a commercial ear molding device. study.
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