
Levels, distribution and risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in fish in Xiamen, China

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment(2022)

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In this study, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) was detected in 114 fish samples collected from 6 administrative regions of Xiamen city, China. HBCD amounts ranged between ND (not detected) and 2.216 ng g −1 ww (mean, 0.127 ± 0.318 ng g −1 ww). Besides, α-HBCD was the main diastereoisomer in these fish specimens, followed by β-HBCD. Meanwhile, γ-HBCD was not detected in any of the samples. Significant differences were recorded among fish species. The results indicated that the levels and detection rates of HBCD were higher in Trachinotus ovatus compared with other aquatic organisms. Therefore, Trachinotus ovatus could be used as a marine biological indicator of HBCD. Within the regions investigated, Siming was significantly different from Jimei, Haicang, and Xiang’an. The spatial distribution of HBCD concentrations indicated higher mean levels in samples collected from Haicang, Jimei, and Xiang’an, respectively, with the highest detection rates in Jimei and Xiang’an, which might be related to geographical location and intense industrial and urban activities. Estimation of daily HBCD intake was performed according to fish consumption in Xiamen residents. The medium bound HBCD amounts in fish were approximately 0.073 and 0.088 ng kg bw −1 d −1 for male and female residents of Xiamen, respectively. Exposure doses of HBCD indicated no health concern for Xiamen residents.
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), Bioindicator, Regional distribution, Daily intake
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