Cell-Selective Adeno-Associated Virus-Mediated SCN1A Gene Regulation Therapy Rescues Mortality and Seizure Phenotypes in a Dravet Syndrome Mouse Model and Is Well Tolerated in Nonhuman Primates


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Dravet syndrome (DS) is a developmental and epileptic encephalopathy caused by monoallelic loss-of-function variants in the SCN1A gene. SCN1A encodes for the alpha subunit of the voltage-gated type I sodium channel (Na(V)1.1), the primary voltage-gated sodium channel responsible for generation of action potentials in GABAergic inhibitory interneurons. In these studies, we tested the efficacy of an adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (AAV9) SCN1A gene regulation therapy, AAV9-REGABA-eTF(SCN1A), designed to target transgene expression to GABAergic inhibitory neurons and reduce off-target expression within excitatory cells, in the Scn1a(+/-) mouse model of DS. Biodistribution and preliminary safety were evaluated in nonhuman primates (NHPs). AAV9-REGABA-eTF(SCN1A) was engineered to upregulate SCN1A expression levels within GABAergic inhibitory interneurons to correct the underlying haploinsufficiency and circuit dysfunction. A single bilateral intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of AAV9-REGABA-eTF(SCN1A) in Scn1a(+/-) postnatal day 1 mice led to increased SCN1A mRNA transcripts, specifically within GABAergic inhibitory interneurons, and Na(V)1.1 protein levels in the brain. This was associated with a significant decrease in the occurrence of spontaneous and hyperthermia-induced seizures, and prolonged survival for over a year. In NHPs, delivery of AAV9-REGABA-eTF(SCN1A) by unilateral ICV injection led to widespread vector biodistribution and transgene expression throughout the brain, including key structures involved in epilepsy and cognitive behaviors, such as hippocampus and cortex. AAV9-REGABA-eTF(SCN1A) was well tolerated, with no adverse events during administration, no detectable changes in clinical observations, no adverse findings in histopathology, and no dorsal root ganglion-related toxicity. Our results support the clinical development of AAV9-REGABA-eTF(SCN1A) (ETX101) as an effective and targeted disease-modifying approach to SCN1A(+) DS.
SCN1A, Dravet syndrome, encephalopathy, channelopathy, gene regulation therapy, preclinical models
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