
Methylene Blue in Management of COVID19.

V Patidar,Ashish Sharma,Vijay Garg,Ajay Prakash Tripathi, Saumin Dhaneriya


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Many novel drugs were used in COVID19 pandemic to improve outcome. One such molecule is Methylene blue which is a, tricyclic phenothiazine compound approved for the treatment of acquired methemoglobinemia and some other uses US FDA. This molecule was found to inhibit the interaction of COVID19 virus and target cells in dose dependent manner. It was also found to inhibit interaction of viron with host cells, by inhibiting interaction of SARS CoV2 spike protein and ACE inhibitor receptor interactions.MATERIAL AND METHODS:A) Aim & Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Nebulised Methylene blue on the clinical course and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 infections. B) Study design Observational Study C) Participants 63 COVID19 RT-PCR positive cases divided in 3 groups. Group 1 consists of patients who were prescribed Methylene blue nebulization in form of Methylene blue 0.5 mg via nebulization along with bronchodilator Levosalbutamol (1.25 mg) + Ipratropium (500 mcg) three times a day . Group 2 consists of patients with Methylene blue nebulization in form of Methylene blue 0.5 mg via nebulization along with inhalational steroid Budesonide (1 mg). Group 3 acted were those patients who had no Methylene blue nebulisation in their treatment.OBSERVATION:1) Analysis 63 cases were divided in 3 groups of 21 each, descriptive and frequency analysis of cases in groups are shown.CONCLUSION:No statistically significant difference in outcome measures like Spo2, duration of hospital stay or inflammatory markers. A general trend of fall in inflammatory markers and O2 requirements in group receiving methylene blue but this difference was not consistantly statistically significant.
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