
Interplay of physico-chemical and mechanical bacteria-surface interactions with transport processes controls early biofilm growth: A review

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science(2022)

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Biofilms initiate when bacteria encounter and are retained on surfaces. The surface orchestrates biofilm growth through direct physico-chemical and mechanical interactions with different structures on bacterial cells and, in turn, through its influence on cell-cell interactions. Individual cells respond directly to a surface through mechanical or chemical means, initiating “surface sensing” pathways that regulate gene expression, for instance producing extra cellular matrix or altering phenotypes. The surface can also physically direct the evolving colony morphology as cells divide and grow. In either case, the physico-chemistry of the surface influences cells and cell communities through mechanisms that involve additional factors. For instance the numbers of cells arriving on a surface from solution relative to the generation of new cells by division depends on adhesion and transport kinetics, affecting early colony density and composition. Separately, the forces experienced by adhering cells depend on hydrodynamics, gravity, and the relative stiffnesses and viscoelasticity of the cells and substrate materials, affecting mechanosensing pathways. Physical chemistry and surface functionality, along with interfacial mechanics also influence cell-surface friction and control colony morphology, in particular 2D and 3D shape. This review focuses on the current understanding of the mechanisms in which physico-chemical interactions, deriving from surface functionality, impact individual cells and cell community behavior through their coupling with other interfacial processes.
Bacteria interactions,Biofilms,Cell capture,Electrostatics,Depletion,Colony morphology,Mechanosensing
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