
Tubular Cells Produce FGF2 Via Autophagy after Acute Kidney Injury Leading to Fibroblast Activation and Renal Fibrosis.


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Following acute kidney injury (AKI), renal tubular cells may stimulate fibroblasts in a paracrine fashion leading to interstitial fibrosis, but the paracrine factors and their regulation under this condition remain elusive. Here we identify a macroautophagy/autophagy-dependent FGF2 (fibroblast growth factor 2) production in tubular cells. Upon induction, FGF2 acts as a key paracrine factor to activate fibroblasts for renal fibrosis. After ischemic AKI in mice, autophagy activation persisted for weeks in renal tubular cells. In inducible, renal tubule-specific atg7 (autophagy related 7) knockout (iRT-atg7-KO) mice, autophagy deficiency induced after AKI suppressed the pro-fibrotic phenotype in tubular cells and reduced fibrosis. Among the major cytokines, tubular autophagy deficiency in iRT-atg7-KO mice specifically diminished FGF2. Autophagy inhibition also attenuated FGF2 expression in TGFB1/TGF-beta 1 (transforming growth factor, beta 1)-treated renal tubular cells. Consistent with a paracrine action, the culture medium of TGFB1-treated tubular cells stimulated renal fibroblasts, and this effect was suppressed by FGF2 neutralizing antibody and also by fgf2- or atg7-deletion in tubular cells. In human, compared with non-AKI, the renal biopsies from post-AKI patients had higher levels of autophagy and FGF2 in tubular cells, which showed significant correlations with renal fibrosis. These results indicate that persistent autophagy after AKI induces pro-fibrotic phenotype transformation in tubular cells leading to the expression and secretion of FGF2, which activates fibroblasts for renal fibrosis during maladaptive kidney repair.
Autophagy,FGF2,interstitial fibrosis,kidney repair,proximal tubule,renal ischemia-reperfusion
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