
Toward a chronostratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene sedimentary record in northwestern Argentina

Journal of South American Earth Sciences(2022)

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The Santa B ' arbara Subgroup of the Salta Group in northwestern Argentina represents a key sedimentary record to understand the geological, biological, and climatological changes that occurred in South America during the Paleogene. However, the lack of absolute ages in these non-marine successions have prevented conclusive in-terpretations and correlations at a regional-scale. In this contribution, we present an integrative study based on sedimentological and stratigraphic approaches, a paleontological review, and, for the first time, an absolute age from a tuff level in the upper section of the Mealla Formation. We propose the following scenario: 1) Cycles of low and high accommodation stages that can be tracked at basin-scale providing a criterion to regional corre-lations; 2) An U-Pb zircon age of 58 Ma, which combined with previously estimated ages for Santa B ' arbara Subgroup indicate that this unit is constrained between 61 and 49? Ma; 3) On view of this new age the fossil-bearing levels of the Mealla Formation fill a hiatus of more than 4 Myr in the South American vertebrate re-cord for the middle to late Paleocene, reshaping our understanding of the early evolutionary stages of this fauna. Our results represent a robust first step to achieve reliable regional correlations and an integrative compre-hension of the evolution of the Salta Basin and its fossil biota.
Salta group,Non-marine sequences,U-Pb dating,Mammalian biostratigraphy
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