
Restriction of Subapical Proteins During Cellularization Depends on the Onset of Zygotic Transcription and the Formin Dia

Developmental biology(2022)

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Cortical domains are characterized by spatially restricted polarity proteins. The pattern of cortical domains is dynamic and changes during cell differentiation and development. Although there is a good understanding for how the cortical pattern is maintained, e. g. by mutual antagonism, less is known about how the initial pattern is established, and its dynamics coordinated with developmental progression. Here we investigate the initial restriction of subapical marker proteins during the syncytial-cellular transition in Drosophila embryos. The subapical markers Canoe/Afadin, the complex ELMO-Sponge, Baz and Arm become initially restricted between apical and lateral domains during cellularization. We define the role of zygotic genome activation as a timer for subapical domain formation. Subapical markers remained widely spread in embryos treated with α-amanitin and became precociously restricted in mutant embryos with premature zygotic transcription. In contrast, remodeling of the nuclear division cycle without cytokinesis to a full cell cycle is not a prerequisite for subapical domain formation, since we observed timely subapical restriction in embryos undergoing an extra nuclear cycle. We provide evidence that earliest subapical markers ELMO-Sponge and Canoe are required for subapical accumulation of Baz. Supporting an important role of cortical F-actin in subapical restriction, we found that the formin Dia was required for Baz restriction, and its distribution depended on the onset of zygotic gene expression. In summary, we define zygotic transcription as a timer, to which subapical markers respond in a dia-dependent mechanism.
Cortical domains,Epithelial domains,Subapical,Canoe,Mid blastula transition,Zygotic genome activation
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