
Benefits and challenges of intergenerational child daycare and senior programs or facilities: A systematic review of the literature

Jaqueline Wendland, Laure Parizet

Annales médico-psychologiques(2022)

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Given the growing number of dependent elderly and of young children who attend day care centers, and in order to foster intergenerational links, intergenerational programs (IG) or facilities have been developed. However, research in this area is still emerging in Europe. Most of the available studies have been carried out in the United States and focus on the content and modalities of IG programs and their impact on elderly and children. We conducted a systematic review of the literature aimed at presenting a synthesis of the benefits and challenges related to this type of program or facility, both for children and the elderly. This systematic literature review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method and the methodological quality of the selected articles was assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Studies were identified in February 2021 from the PubMed, PsycINFO and Google Scholar databases. Only scientific articles in French and English published between 1986 and 2020 were selected. Other inclusion criteria were: studies with samples of children up to 6 years old and adults at least 65 years old; IG programs with at least one weekly IG meeting. We used the following search combination: intergenerational AND nursing home OR care homes OR long term care OR residential care OR aged care facility OR child care centers OR daycare OR preschool education OR pre-k OR elders OR elderly OR older people OR seniors OR children OR kids OR youth OR child. The benefits seem quite obvious for the elderly in terms of positive emotions, involvement in activities, and self-esteem. Children also benefit from these intergenerational programs, particularly through a better understanding of the abilities and limitations of the elderly, thereby fostering greater empathy towards them. Several IG programs have implemented Montessori activities to bring children and elderly together. Despite the positive impacts described, to achieve their goals IG programs need to meet several criteria, particularly appropriate planning that takes into account individual needs and skills, and adequate staff training. If IG programs are not sufficiently well-prepared, their impact may be null or even opposite to the expected goals, generating frustration in the elderly or reinforcing stereotypes in the children. Another risk is the infantilization of the elderly, such as involving them in activities that are inappropriate to their age and dignity, or doing things for them rather that promoting their active participation. The selected studies have limitations that should be considered for future research. Most studies were conducted on small samples, which prevents from generalizing their results. In addition, results are often based on qualitative or subjective information, sometimes concerning only part of the participants. Finally, most of the studies are purely descriptive, and therefore did not allow for pre- and/or post-testing. This literature review can guide practitioners and researchers in defining their IG programs and projects protocols. Au vu du nombre grandissant de personnes âgées dépendantes et d’enfants en bas âge accueillis dans des crèches, et dans le but de favoriser les liens intergénérationnels, des programmes ou établissements intergénérationnels se sont développés. Nous avons réalisé une revue systématique de la littérature afin de présenter une synthèse des effets bénéfiques et des challenges liés à ce type de programme ou structure, à la fois pour les enfants et les personnes âgées. Les bienfaits semblent assez évidents pour les personnes âgées à la fois en termes d’émotions positives, d’implication dans les activités, et pour leur estime de soi. Les enfants également profitent de ces programmes intergénérationnels, notamment par une meilleure compréhension des capacités et limites des personnes âgées, ce qui favorise une plus forte empathie à leur égard. Ces programmes doivent toutefois répondre à plusieurs critères pour atteindre leurs objectifs, particulièrement une préparation appropriée, tenant compte des compétences et besoins individuels, et une formation adéquate du personnel. Les études sélectionnées dans cette revue comportent des limites qui seront à prendre en compte dans de futurs travaux de recherche. Cette revue de littérature peut guider les praticiens et porteurs de projets dans la définition de leurs programmes et protocoles de recherche.
Child, Elderly, Establishment and service for the elderly, Intergenerational relationship, Literature paper, Nursery, Satisfaction, Stereotype
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