
CD40-CD40L Interaction is Critical in Mounting Host Immunity Against M-Cov Mouse Hepatitis Virus Induced Neuroinflammatory Demyelination

˜The œjournal of immunology/˜The œJournal of immunology(2021)

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Abstract Chronic progressive neuroinflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by loss of neuronal functions resulting from demyelination with or without axonal degeneration. Infiltration of T lymphocytes and activation of microglia and their interplay are the major pathophysiological events leading to neurodegeneration in MS. Our studies in Mouse Hepatitis Virus (MHV) induced neuroinflammatory model demonstrated a protective role of CNS infiltrating CD4+ T cells. In the absence of CD4+ T cells, microglial activation fails to resolve, and mice are more susceptible to acute poliomyelitis and chronic demyelination with axonal bulbar vacuolation. Our studies also revealed that CD40L (expressed on CD4+ T cells) upregulates upon MHV infection but is downregulated in CD4−/− mice CNS. This led to a further delineation of the CD4-microglia nexus at the molecular level using CD40L−/− mice. Results showed that the absence of CD40L renders mice highly susceptible to MHV infection due to reduced microglia/macrophage activation and significantly dampened effector CD4+ T recruitment to the CNS at the acute-adaptive bridging phase (day 7–10 p.i.) of inflammation. Moreover, CD40L−/− mice exhibited severe demyelination, axonal loss, and persistent poliomyelitis at the chronic phase of infection, highlighting the protective role of CD40-CD40L in MHV induced neuroinflammatory demyelination. Together, these studies highlight that migration of peripheral T cells and their interaction with microglia via CD40-CD40L is essential to eliminate the virus and provide long-term neuroprotection. These findings can lead to designing potential therapeutic interventions against MS, targeting CD40-CD40L interaction.
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