Multi-Omics Study of The Salivary Modulation of The Rumen Microbiome


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Ruminants are able to produce large quantities of saliva which enter into the rumen. Although previous research has indicated that salivary immunoglobulins can partially modulate the rumen microbial activity, the role of the salivary components other than ions on the rumen microbial ecosystem has not been thoroughly investigated in ruminants. A total of 16 semi-continuous in vitro cultures were used to incubate rumen fluid from 4 donor goats inoculated with autoclaved saliva (AUT) as negative control, saliva from the same rumen fluid donor (OWN) as positive control, and either GOAT or SHEEP saliva as experimental interventions. Fermentation was monitored throughout the 7 days of incubation and the prokaryotic communities and metabolome were analysed at day 7 of incubation. Characterization of the salivas used prior to incubation showed a high degree of individual variability in terms of the salivary metabolites and proteins, including immunoglobulins. The prokaryotic community composition in AUT incubators was the most divergent across treatments, suggesting a modulatory effect of active salivary components, which were not affected in the other treatments (OWN, GOAT and SHEEP). The differences across treatments in microbial diversity were mostly caused by a greater abundance of Proteobacteria and Rikenellacea and lower of Prevotellaceae, a key rumen bacterium with greater abundance in GOAT and SHEEP treatments. These results suggest that specific salivary components contribute to host-associated role in selecting the rumen commensal microbiota and its activity.
rumen microbiome,salivary modulation,multi-omics
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