
Regeneration status and soil site characteristics of Spruce (Picea smithiana Wall. Boiss) dominated forest along altitudinal gradient in North Indian Himalaya

Acta Ecologica Sinica(2022)

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The present study carried out at three altitudes in Daksum range of Anantnag Forest division aimed to study the variation in floristic composition, community structure, regeneration status, soil characteristics and soil seed bank of Spruce dominated forests. A total of 47 plant species belonging to 41 genera and 29 families were reported. The number of species decreased with increasing altitude. Abies pindrow, Acer caesium and Pinus wallichiana were main tree associates of Picea smithiana . The regeneration of Spruce at all the sites was low and did not show any definite trend along the altitudinal gradient. There was a decrease in availability of OC, N, P, K, Fe and Zn with increase in soil depth at all the three altitudes. However, soil pH showed the reverse trend. There was an increase in availability of OC, N, P, K and Zn while decrease in pH and available Fe in soil with the increase in altitude. The viability of soil seed bank of spruce was found to be very low (15.36 to 18.18%). The study is a pioneer in this region in many aspects and hence shall be a benchmark for further management and conservation of this important species.
Altitude,Himalaya,Picea smithiana,Regeneration,Spruce,Soil seed bank
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