
Temperature Dependent Band Gap Correction Model Using Tight-Binding Approach for UTB Device Simulations

IEEE transactions on nanotechnology(2023)

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Ultra-thin body (UTB) devices are being used in many electronic applications operating over a wide range of temperatures. The electrostatics of these devices depends on the band structure of the channel material, which varies with temperature as well as channel thickness. The semi-empirical tight binding (TB) approach is widely used for calculating channel thickness dependent band structure of any material, at a particular temperature, where TB parameters are defined. For elementary semiconductors like Si, Ge and compound semiconductors like GaAs, these TB parameters are generally defined at only 0 K and 300 K. This limits the ability of the TB approach to simulate the electrostatics of these devices at any other intermediate temperatures.In this work, we analyze the variation of band structure for Si, Ge and GaAs over different channel thicknesses at 0 K and 300 K (for which TB parameters are available), and show that the band curvature at the band minima has minor variation with temperature, whereas the change of band gap significantly affects the channel electrostatics. Based on this finding, we propose an approach to simulate the electrostatics of UTB devices, at any temperature between 0 K and 300 K, using TB parameters defined at 0 K, along with a suitable channel thickness and temperature dependent band gap correction.
Photonic band gap,Band structures,Gallium arsenide,Silicon,Temperature dependence,Germanium,Temperature distribution,Device simulation,full band simulation,sp(3)d(5) s*,tight binding,Ultra-Thin Body(UTB)
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