
Simulation of Hybrid Systems under Zeno Behavior Using Numerical Infinitesimals

Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation/Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation(2022)

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This paper considers hybrid systems — dynamical systems that exhibit both continuous and discrete behavior. Usually, in these systems, interactions between the continuous and discrete dynamics occur when a pre-defined function becomes equal to zero, i.e., in the system occurs a zero-crossing (the situation where the function only “touches” zero is considered as the zero-crossing, as well). Determination of zero-crossings plays a crucial role in the correct simulation of the system in this case. However, for models of many real-life hybrid systems, such interactions may lead to the so-called Zeno executions, i.e., situations where the system undergoes an unbounded number of discrete transitions in a finite and bounded length of time. In this case, standard numerical methods of simulating the systems may fail, since the time between two transitions can decrease significantly leading to ill-conditioning of the simulation. Correct determination of zero-crossings for a complex real-life system can require a lot of computational resources and, as a consequence, slow down the simulation significantly. This paper presents a new way to execute the simulation generating time observations of the hybrid system dynamically using numerical infinitesimals introduced recently, allowing thus to determine zero-crossings more accurately. The proposed method allows to automatically detect zero-crossings with predefined accuracy and to analyze better the behavior of the system around the zero-crossings generating observations more densely, where it is necessary. Moreover, the search for zero-crossings is performed efficiently without re-evaluation of the whole system at each observation. To show the validity of the proposed algorithm, the well-known Bouncing Ball hybrid system has been studied and the obtained simulation results were compared with the standard method.
Hybrid systems,Zero-crossing,Zeno effect,Numerical infinitesimals,Infinity computer
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