
Implementation of a Battery Charge Monitoring System on Internet of Things (IoT) Based Transportable Devices

Ade Kurniawan, Dedy Suryadi, Purwoharjono,Redi R. Yacoub,Fitri Imansyah


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--------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-------------------------------------------------------------The Transportable Radio Frequency Monitoring System (RFMS) is a radio frequency or surveillance system installed at 64 well-known SMFR stations in the territory of Indonesia, which have pioneering airports and are controlled by 24 Technical Implementing Units (UPT) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. In this implementation, research was carried out to create a real time monitoring system for currents, voltages and power through a remote monitoring system. Therefore, the efforts made for this problem designed a monitoring system that can be accessed from the battery used to see the current, voltage and power parameters measured on the system with the sensor installed and transmit the data using internet communication media and the Blynk application as a display information so that battery performance can be properly maintained and monitored. In this study, testing was carried out with several testing stages, namely the power supply system that uses 1 battery where the calculation results show the battery capacity is 12V 10Ah and the load of the led light is 18w, the current increases = 1.5 A with a battery discharge duration of ± 7 hours, the results of the test with good battery conditions, it shows the discharge capacity of the battery with the same load for about ± 6 hours. Whereas for the 3-battery power supply system has a total test effect of ± 21 hours of recharging the battery, so that this system runs by recharging the battery, which occurs this system will be able to serve the load throughout the day by filling each battery that can be seen properly so that the time battery usage will be maximized because the battery capacity is maintained <20% or less than 10.9V.
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