
Physician Rating Websites in the United States: A systematic review (Preprint)

Meenakshi Bhilwar, Suzanne A Boren, Kunal Bhatia


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BACKGROUND Physician rating websites are gaining popularity, however, data on their usability and influence on healthcare quality is limited. OBJECTIVE to provide an overview of physician rating websites in the US and find answers for the following questions: 1. What are the most commonly studied/rated physician rating websites in the US? 2. Which specialty of physicians/providers are most commonly studied/rated? 3. How many physicians were rated on the studied PRWs? 4. What is the average number of ratings on these websites and are they positive or negative? 5. How does the profile of providers influence their rating? 6. How are PRWs associated with healthcare quality? 7. How PRWs are associated with patient-physician relationship? METHODS A systematic literature search was conducted through Medline for peer-reviewed articles in the English language on studies conducted in the US. RESULTS 33 articles published in peer-reviewed journals were included in the final review. Most of the studies were conducted on surgeons. A significant number of studies observed no correlation of online ratings with gender, geographic location, and years of experience. Additionally, no significant correlation was found between PRWs and healthcare quality. CONCLUSIONS It has been observed that with the current structure of these websites, the reliability of information available on them is rather questionable, and hence more research is required to assess the credibility of these websites along with their cost-effectiveness, effect on the patient-physician relationship, and quality of healthcare delivery.
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