
Soft Magnetic Performance of Ultra-Rapidly Annealed High-Bs Fe-(Co)-B Nanocrystalline Alloys at Elevated Temperatures

Journal of alloys and compounds(2022)

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Ultra - rapid annealing (URA) utilizing pair of pre-heated massive Cu blocks has been recently shown to be a useful tool to obtain Fe-(Co)-B based nanocrystalline alloys with reduced metalloid content exhibiting an attractive combination of low coercivity (H-c) and high saturation magnetic induction (B-s) values. However, current knowledge lacks more data about behavior of these alloys at elevated temperatures. In this study we investigate high-temperature performance of the URA annealed (Fe1-xCox)(87)B-13 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.25) nanocrystalline alloys. After annealing for 0.5 s at 763 K, the room temperature coercivities between 6.6 A/m (x = 0) to 10.8 A/m (x = 0.25) and B-s values (measured at 8 kA/m) ranging from 1.87 T (x = 0) to 2.01 T (x = 0.2) were attained. The temperature dependence of coercivity was determined from the hysteresis loops measured between room temperature and 573 K. Our experiments revealed that the coercivity of all three alloys firstly decreases with an increase of measuring temperature up to 523 K and then increases. A gradual decrease of the coercivity for T < 523 K was more significant for Fe87B13 alloy, while the abrupt magnetic hardening at 573 K was more significant in the case of Co-containing samples. Possible mechanisms behind the observed high-temperature soft magnetic performance of the studied alloys are discussed.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nanocrystalline soft magnetic material,Ultra - rapid annealing,Coercivity,High temperature magnetic properties,Microstructure
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