
Model Tests of a 10 MW Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbine under Waves and Wind Using Hybrid Method to Integrate the Rotor Thrust and Moments

Wind energy science(2022)

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This paper describes the results of a wave tank test campaign of a 1/49 scaled SATH 10 MW floating platform. The software-in-the-loop (SiL) hybrid method was used to include the wind turbine thrust and the in-plane rotor moments. Experimental results are compared with a numerical model developed in OpenFAST of the floating wind turbine. The tank test campaign was carried out in the scaled model tested at the deep ocean basin from the Lir National Ocean Test Facility at Cork, Ireland. This floating substructure design was adapted by Saitec to support the 10 MW wind turbine within the ARCWIND project (Adaptation and Implementation of Floating Wind Energy Conversion Technology for the Atlantic Region) with the aim of withstanding the environmental conditions of the European Atlantic Area region. CENER provided the wind turbine controller specially designed for the SATH 10 MW configuration. A description of the experimental setup, force actuator configuration and the numeric aerodynamic parameters is provided in this work. The most relevant experimental results under wind and wave loading are shown in time series and frequency domain. The influence of the submerged geometry variations in the pitch natural frequency is discussed. The paper shows the simulation of a case with rated wind speed, where the tilted geometry for the computation of the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties of the submerged substructure is considered. This case provides a better agreement of the pitch natural frequency with the experiments than an equivalent simulation using the undisplaced geometry mesh for the computation of the hydrodynamic and hydrostatic properties.
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