
Features of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon's Spatial Distribution in the Soils of the Don River Delta.

Environmental geochemistry and health(2022)

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PAHs are one of the most toxic organic compounds classes which is obligatory controlled all over the world. There is a luck of studies devoted to the PAHs levels and sources identification in the south of Russia. The features of the PAHs accumulation and spatial distribution in hydromorphic soils (Fluvisol) were studied on the example of the soils of the Don River delta floodplain landscapes. It has been shown that changes in the PAHs content in soils depended on the type and intensity of the emission source. A factor analysis and multivariate linear regression analysis were carried out to determine the features of the spatial distribution for individual PAH compounds, considering the properties of soils and typical differences in the emission source. The most polluted areas in the studied area located along the transit line of the long-distance tankers, where the content of the most toxic high molecular PAHs compounds reached 8862 ng g −1 . As a result of regression analysis, a relationship was established between the PAHs accumulation rate with the content of silt (particles less than 0.001 mm in size) and Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ exchangeable cations in the soil (at p -level < 0.0001). Differences in individual PAH content for medium and heavy loamy Fluvisol and depend on the influence of different types of pollution sources.
Floodplain soils,River delta landscape,Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,Migration of PAHs,Sources of PAHs,Sludge,Calcium,Magnesium
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