
Target Search Dynamics of Sox Transcription Factors.

˜The œFASEB journal(2022)

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Here we investigate the impact of regions outside of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) on target search efficiency of transcription factors (TFs). In living organisms, TFs are key for gene regulation by binding sequence DNA-binding sites. The facilitated diffusion theory proposes a search process combining TF 1D sliding on DNA and 3D diffusion in the nucleus. Moreover, the local non-specific TF-DNA interactions mediated by electrostatic forces enhance the target search efficiency to reach on-rates faster than allowed by free diffusion. While such theoretical models fit TF behaviors in prokaryotes, how TFs search the chromatinized eukaryotic genome is poorly understood. More importantly, the relevance of regions outside of the DNA-binding domain for the search process remains to be clarified. We hypothesize that positive charges flanking the DBD accelerate TF target search by interacting non-specifically with negatively charged DNA. We tackle this hypothesis with a comparative study between Sox2 and Sox17. While recognizing the same DNA motif, Sox2 displays higher non-specific binding affinity, which we think is caused by a higher content in positive charges close to the DBD. To probe the kinetics of in vivo Sox-DNA interactions in living mouse embryonic stem cells, we used highly inclined and laminated optical sheet (HiLo) microscopy. We determined that Sox2 and Sox17 have similar profiles of residence time with specific binding of ~ 12 s and non-specific binding of ~ 0.7 s. We then quantified the search efficiency of Sox2 and Sox17 by determining their pseudo on-rate, which we define as the time-averaged number of specifically bound particles per time interval and per TF concentration. Since Sox2 and Sox17 bind to the same DNA motifs, they thus have the same number of targets in the mouse genome. Therefore, the pseudo on-rate scales linearly with association rate at a given TF concentration. We found that Sox2 has a two-fold higher pseudo on-rate than Sox17. We also generated a Sox2 mutant in which its DBD flanking region was swapped with the one from Sox17. This led to a two-fold decrease in pseudo on-rate as compared to the wild-type Sox2. These results thus directly support the hypothesis that non-specific electrostatic interactions of positively charged residues in regions flanking the DBD enhance their DNA association rates. One limitation of in vivo experiments is that the chromatin context in which TF-DNA interactions are observed is unknown. To dissect the differential interactions of Sox2 and Sox17 with naked versus nucleosomal DNA, we are using chemically-synthesized in vitro chromatin combined with single-molecule tracking via total internal reflection (TIRF) microscopy. Since Sox2 but not Sox17 is known as a pioneer factor, quantifying their interactions with chromatinized DNA will shed light on search mechanisms of pioneer TFs in compact chromatin. In that sense, we foresee that more positively-charged DBD flanking regions may stabilize specific binding of TF to nucleosomal DNA and help TFs to invade and remodel chromatin. Taken together, our combination of in vivo and in vitro single-molecule imaging techniques allows dissecting how the charge distribution of DBD flanking regions modulates TF target search on chromatin.
Transcription Factor Dynamics,Target Localization,Search Strategies,Facilitated Diffusion
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