
Surgical outcomes in patients with haemophilia A or B receiving extended half-life recombinant factor VIII and IX Fc fusion proteins: Real-world experience in the Nordic countries


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Introduction Perioperative dosing recommendations vary across Nordic haemophilia treatment centres (HTCs) for extended half-life (EHL) factor concentrates in haemophilia A/B (HA/HB) patients. Aim To summarise Nordic real-world surgical experiences with EHL recombinant factor VIII/IX Fc (rFVIIIFc/rFIXFc) fusion proteins using retrospective data from clinical records at four HTCs in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Methods Factor dosing and surgical outcomes were recorded from HA/HB patients who underwent surgery and were treated with rFVIIIFc/rFIXFc. Perioperative factor dosing regimens were clinician-determined based on local practises. Results Twenty five surgeries were performed on 20 patients, all covered by bolus injections except one minor HA surgery; eight minor surgeries were in paediatric patients. Median preoperative rFVIIIFc dose for major HA surgeries (n = 8) was 48 IU/kg (range: 35-57), with total consumption up to Day 14 of 427 IU/kg (196-568). For the two major HB surgeries (in one patient), preoperative rFIXFc doses were 50 IU/kg and 20 IU/kg; total consumption up to Day 14 was 130 IU/kg and 40 IU/kg. Median preoperative rFVIIIFc/rFIXFc bolus doses for minor HA (n = 10) and HB (n = 4) surgeries were 50 IU/kg (24-79) and 47 IU/kg (40-71), with total consumption up to Day 5 of 138 IU/kg (49-404) and 100 IU/kg (43-125), respectively. Intraoperative and postoperative haemostatic responses were rated as at least good/excellent for 24/25 surgeries, with bleeding episodes reported in only three surgeries. Conclusion Nordic real-world experiences suggest that EHL products can be used safely and effectively for peri-operative haemostasis. Further research is required to develop local dosing guidelines for optimised treatment schedules.
factor IX Fc fusion protein,factor VIII-Fc fusion protein,haemophilia A,haemophilia B,recombinant fusion proteins,surgical procedures
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