Polarized x-rays from a magnetar.

Roberto Taverna,Roberto Turolla,Fabio Muleri,Jeremy Heyl,Silvia Zane,Luca Baldini,Denis González-Caniulef,Matteo Bachetti,John Rankin,Ilaria Caiazzo,Niccolò Di Lalla,Victor Doroshenko,Manel Errando,Ephraim Gau,Demet Kırmızıbayrak,Henric Krawczynski,Michela Negro,Mason Ng,Nicola Omodei,Andrea Possenti,Toru Tamagawa,Keisuke Uchiyama,Martin C Weisskopf,Ivan Agudo,Lucio A Antonelli,Wayne H Baumgartner,Ronaldo Bellazzini,Stefano Bianchi,Stephen D Bongiorno,Raffaella Bonino,Alessandro Brez,Niccolò Bucciantini,Fiamma Capitanio,Simone Castellano,Elisabetta Cavazzuti,Stefano Ciprini,Enrico Costa,Alessandra De Rosa,Ettore Del Monte,Laura Di Gesu,Alessandro Di Marco,Immacolata Donnarumma,Michal Dovčiak,Steven R Ehlert,Teruaki Enoto,Yuri Evangelista,Sergio Fabiani,Riccardo Ferrazzoli,Javier A Garcia,Shuichi Gunji,Kiyoshi Hayashida,Wataru Iwakiri,Svetlana G Jorstad,Vladimir Karas,Takao Kitaguchi,Jeffery J Kolodziejczak,Fabio La Monaca,Luca Latronico,Ioannis Liodakis,Simone Maldera,Alberto Manfreda,Frédéric Marin,Andrea Marinucci,Alan P Marscher,Herman L Marshall,Giorgio Matt,Ikuyuki Mitsuishi,Tsunefumi Mizuno, Stephen C-Y Ng,Stephen L O'Dell,Chiara Oppedisano,Alessandro Papitto,George G Pavlov,Abel L Peirson,Matteo Perri,Melissa Pesce-Rollins,Maura Pilia,Juri Poutanen,Simonetta Puccetti,Brian D Ramsey,Ajay Ratheesh,Roger W Romani,Carmelo Sgrò,Patrick Slane,Paolo Soffitta,Gloria Spandre,Fabrizio Tavecchio,Yuzuru Tawara,Allyn F Tennant,Nicholas E Thomas,Francesco Tombesi,Alessio Trois,Sergey S Tsygankov,Jacco Vink,Kinwah Wu,Fei Xie

Science (New York, N.Y.)(2022)

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Magnetars are neutron stars with ultrastrong magnetic fields, which can be observed in x-rays. Polarization measurements could provide information on their magnetic fields and surface properties. We observed polarized x-rays from the magnetar 4U 0142+61 using the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer and found a linear polarization degree of 13.5 ± 0.8% averaged over the 2- to 8-kilo-electron volt band. The polarization changes with energy: The degree is 15.0 ± 1.0% at 2 to 4 kilo-electron volts, drops below the instrumental sensitivity ~4 to 5 kilo-electron volts, and rises to 35.2 ± 7.1% at 5.5 to 8 kilo-electron volts. The polarization angle also changes by 90° at ~4 to 5 kilo-electron volts. These results are consistent with a model in which thermal radiation from the magnetar surface is reprocessed by scattering off charged particles in the magnetosphere.
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