Light-evoked dendritic spikes in sustained but not transient rabbit retinal ganglion cells.

Social Science Research Network(2022)

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Dendritic computations have a central role in neuronal function, but it is unknown how cell-class heterogeneity of dendritic electrical excitability shapes physiologically engaged neuronal and circuit computations. To address this, we examined dendritic integration in closely related classes of retinal ganglion cells (GCs) using simultaneous somato-dendritic electrical recording techniques in a functionally intact circuit. Simultaneous recordings revealed sustained OFF-GCs generated powerful dendritic spikes in response to visual input that drove action potential firing. In contrast, the dendrites of transient OFF-GCs were passive and did not generate dendritic spikes. Dendritic spike generation allowed sustained, but not transient, OFF-GCs to signal into action potential output the local motion of visual stimuli to produce a continuous wave of action potential firing in adjacent cells as images moved across the retina. Conversely, this representation was highly fragmented in transient OFF-GCs. Thus, a heterogeneity of dendritic excitability defines the computations executed by classes of GCs.
vision,neuronal computation,dendrite,neuronal circuit
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