Prosaccade and Antisaccade Behavior in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome Progression.

Movement disorders clinical practice(2022)

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Background:Quantitative measurement of eye movements can reveal subtle progression in neurodegenerative diseases. Objective:To determine if quantitative measurements of eye movements may reveal subtle progression of fragile X-associated tremor and ataxia (FXTAS). Methods:Prosaccade (PS) and antisaccade (AS) behavior was analyzed in 25 controls, 57 non-FXTAS carriers, and 46 carriers with FXTAS. Results:Symptomatic individuals with FXTAS had longer AS latencies, increased rates of AS errors, and increased AS dysmetria relative to non-FXTAS carriers and controls. These deficits, along with PS latency and velocity, were greater in advanced FXTAS stages. Conclusion:AS deficits differentiated FXTAS from non-FXTAS premutation carriers implicating top-down control and frontostriatal deterioration. However, the absence of group differences between non-FXTAS carriers and controls in AS and PS markers suggests saccade performance may not be a sensitive enough measure for detecting conversion to FXTAS, but instead more helpful as translational biomarkers of FXTAS progression.
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