
A Macroscopic Viscoelastic Model of Magnetorheological Elastomer with Different Initial Particle Chain Orientation Angles Based on Fractional Viscoelasticity

Jiahao Fan,Jianfei Yao,Yang Yu, Yan Li

Smart materials and structures(2022)

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In this paper, a macroscopic viscoelastic modeling method for magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) based on fractional derivative model is presented to describe the dynamic viscoelastic properties of MRE with different initial particle chain orientation angles. The angle between the particle chain and the applied magnetic field is used as an indicator to describe the directionality of the particle chain. MRE samples with different initial inclination angles have been designed and fabricated. The dynamic viscoelastic properties of different MRE samples under shear working mode were measured using a parallel plate rheometer. The dynamic viscoelastic properties of MRE with different initial inclination angles are analyzed under the test conditions of different strain amplitude, frequency and magnetic flux density. The test results show that the initial inclination angle of the particle chain in the MRE has a significant effect on the dynamic viscoelastic properties of the MRE. A polynomial function is used to describe the relationship between the initial particle chain orientation angle and the magneto-induced modulus of MRE. A phenomenological model of magneto-induced modulus is established based on the fractional derivative model. The model parameters are identified using the nonlinear least square method. The predicted values of the model are in good agreement with the experimental results, indicating that the model can well describe the dynamic viscoelastic properties of MRE.
magnetorheological elastomer,chain structure orientation,fractional viscoelasticity,phenomenological parameter model
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