
A Model for Mass Customization and Flexibility in Mass Housing Units

Open house international(2021)

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Purpose This paper aims to present a mass customization model for interior spaces of mass housing projects to provide solutions that will increase flexibility in accordance with different user needs. Design/methodology/approach The research project develops a model that generates an expert system that leads to different spatial variations. The expert system is based on the parameters that are determined depending on the findings of the field study done in the selected site. A modular system that allows different configurations is designed, and the expert system has made it possible to achieve a large number of spatial variations by means of a multi-parameter layout design. In the last phase, an interface is developed as a website that presents the spatial variations for each different user according to their response to the online questionnaire. Findings All the variations with the outputs obtained from the project are presented to the user through a digital interface, which functions as a website. In this sense, the model acts as a mass customization tool that brings together the needs of the inhabitants and provides specific solutions to them with all the outputs obtained from the project. The main objective of the interface is to provide the user with various interior layout alternatives and modular furniture that meet their needs. Originality/value The main originality of the research project is the development of a model that consists of different stages that works as a unique mass customization tool. The most significant specialty of the model is the constitution of an expert system in relation to the raw data obtained from the field study. This expert system generates spatial configurations by the help of the design parameters, and these parameters are mainly variables that differentiate the solutions according to the specific requirements of users in the selected site.
Mass housing,Mass customization,Genetic algorithms,Multi-parameter layout design,User participation,Flexibility,Modularity,Built environment tectonics and technologies
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